Sunday, February 05, 2006

Ionic propulsion

The latest in our faster that the times posts emphasizes ionic propulsion another of 1989s many breakthroughs. It started as a high compression turbine chamber, but the simulations run tended to show that it is possible to do nearly the same thing with hydrogen ions. By applying poles to the turbines and an intermediate opposing field, the introduction of ions into the vector space allows for "magnetic compression."
By pulsing the intermediate field while also transversely pulsing the oppsoite turbine poles, high energy ions can then be propelled from the vector space applying an external force to the chamber.

By using a large enough ion emittance surface it is then possible to mimic the thrust applied from actually combusting hydrogen or even heavier nitrogen (though on a lower scale). WHile modeling the propellant force achieved through combustion, I began to look for ways to actually "ignite" these ions. Simulations showed that certain em frequencies can be used to apply fields to the ion clusters to increase their motion.

At that point, I had actually modeled extraorbital propulsion, which works slightly differently than atmospheric propulsion because of the tremendous forces fo gravity between bodies and the lack of volumetric pressure. Probably the hardest thing was to decouple from the ion source. It was a real bitch too. Funny enough that work led to the big deal.... teleportation. Actually it was a combination of that and laser work, but we probably won't talk too much about that.

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